Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thing 7 - Image Generator
Another try at Wordle .... just to make sure I understood.
Thing 6
I looked at these mashups -Photomule, FlickrFaves and Slickrframe. Also made a puzzle from one of my pics using Big Huge Labs and uploaded it to Flickr. Spelled Presents with Spell with Flickr. I ran into some problems using Bookr and will ask someone at work tonight what I am doing wrong.
While these may be great for others to organize their photos and post to friends, I will probably not use them as I already send the photos that I want to family and friends. I have no desire to organize them and make them pretty. I am a "cut and dried" person and just send them as they are. If the receivers want to pretty them up, they can.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thing 6
In AppGardens I explored Photopresenter- a slideshow program; Photoshake which allows you to combine one or more photos, and cardKarma which helps you make ecards using your photos and even videos from youtube. I might use cardKarma, found that most interesting.
The tools in Big Huge Labs were neat. I liked the photomosaic, jigsaw and wallpaper programs. Would be nice to have the time to get into that.
Spelled out fantastic . Sure looked fancy with all the graphics.
Interesting how you can merge the pic and text at the bookr site.
I'll leave the elfing to the pros like Diane- really cute.
The only program I saw that I might use is the ecard one. Sharing photos online is a great thing for family and friends. I do that already on my own simple scale.
The tools in Big Huge Labs were neat. I liked the photomosaic, jigsaw and wallpaper programs. Would be nice to have the time to get into that.
Spelled out fantastic . Sure looked fancy with all the graphics.
Interesting how you can merge the pic and text at the bookr site.
I'll leave the elfing to the pros like Diane- really cute.
The only program I saw that I might use is the ecard one. Sharing photos online is a great thing for family and friends. I do that already on my own simple scale.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thing 5
Created a flickr account at work, but found it too time consuming to try to find a picture I wanted to upload from my work desktop. (Rarely use my desktop so really haven't personalized it with any pictures or links) I used my home laptop to finish uploading some pics to flickr and posted to blog.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Back to RSS
Just added Science News from New York Times to my blog.
Thing 5
FINALLY! After several trials and lots of errors. I figured it out. I followed the directions that were given me and those didn't help. I accidentally hit the right area. But whatever, it worked. Hopefully I will be able to remember how to do this.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thing 5
Here is the link to flickr.
Here is the link to my photobucket account.
Here is the link to my photobucket account.
Only created a photobucket acct. When I tried to work with Flickr at home, they wanted some kind of verification for my work email and emailed something to me at work. Didn't want to spend more time with that so only worked with photobucket. Had trouble downloading pics to the blog. Usually took more than one try. I stuck with it. Photos have been posted. Would I use this in the future? Maybe. I still back up my files on CDs.
Thing 5
Yes! Finally able to post a pic from Flickr! Between the updated info provided on the 23 Things blog and reading the FAQ's on Flickr, I was finally able to post a beautiful pic to share. Since I do not have a digital camera I will just be able to post images already available in Flickr. I will try another one tomorrow.
Test of Time, Hole in the Wall Beach, Davenport, California

Test of Time, Hole in the Wall Beach, Davenport, California
Originally uploaded by PatrickSmithPhotography
Finally success! I love the beach, but this one is really different from the ones around here. I bet that water is not 89 degrees in the Summer!
Thing 5
I'm trying to figure out how to use both Photobucket and Flickr. It's not working too good. For some strange reason I think it's more our computer system then it is the actual websites. It's like the computers fighting me every step of the way. No wonder a lot of staff have given up and are going to try this at home. I will keep trying though.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thing 4- Google Reader
I got carried away and clicked on all kinds of links on the 11th when we first set up our accounts. I just spent about 2 hours looking at some of the things I picked like what chickens to buy for your yard, Christmas gifts to sew, someones trip to Japan, living in Williamsburg. Now if it will just show up on my page. I love it.
Thing 1
After watching the video I was amazed at how far we have progressed and can use the Internet to help us connect with others with the same interest around the world.
TAG CLOUDS? I'm not sure what this is, but I'm sure I will be hearing more about it.
What 2.0 means to me, its digital, barrier free, everywhere and down loadable. That is great that all of those collage libraries are linked.
I can wait for 3.0 with Avatars! We already have a popularity contest with the WOW. Doing your job isn't good enough, you have to have WOWs. I never ask patron's to fill out a WOW I think it's in poor taste to blow your own horn.
4.0 Is just coming back full circle.
TAG CLOUDS? I'm not sure what this is, but I'm sure I will be hearing more about it.
What 2.0 means to me, its digital, barrier free, everywhere and down loadable. That is great that all of those collage libraries are linked.
I can wait for 3.0 with Avatars! We already have a popularity contest with the WOW. Doing your job isn't good enough, you have to have WOWs. I never ask patron's to fill out a WOW I think it's in poor taste to blow your own horn.
4.0 Is just coming back full circle.
23 things update
I added our team adviser (Patty A) to our list of blog administrators and with her help added the other staff blogs to our blog list. At first I had added them only to the Blogs I Follow, not to the blog itself! Learn a little bit more each day....
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thing 4
Using Google Reader, I subscribed to:
Yahoo news - Fashion News - Victoria Secrets 2mil bra
Yahoo news - Movie News - Harry Potter is coming!
Librarian in Black - Maybe a little too techie for me
Rotten Tomatoes - Movie reviews by the people for the people, I still might see "Morning Glory" because of Harrison Ford.
Dictionary.com word of the day - de rigueur - required by fashion or etiquette
Library Stuff -Law library site of racy photo shoot for Diesel
Librarian.net - I read the entry "Prison - Library Confidentiality" about a man who was a prison librarian and was robbed at knife point by a former inmate who recognized him, but took his money anyway. Laughing as he ran away that he still owed the library 2 books! Glad he was OK, but it's a great story.
I found most of the sites that I chose had something that made me want to read more. It will be interesting to see if any of the information I acquire will come in handy or become just more "stuff" in my head. We do have a RSS feed on the catalog for the New York Times best sellers maybe we could add a book review site to the library home page.
Yahoo news - Fashion News - Victoria Secrets 2mil bra
Yahoo news - Movie News - Harry Potter is coming!
Librarian in Black - Maybe a little too techie for me
Rotten Tomatoes - Movie reviews by the people for the people, I still might see "Morning Glory" because of Harrison Ford.
Dictionary.com word of the day - de rigueur - required by fashion or etiquette
Library Stuff -Law library site of racy photo shoot for Diesel
Librarian.net - I read the entry "Prison - Library Confidentiality" about a man who was a prison librarian and was robbed at knife point by a former inmate who recognized him, but took his money anyway. Laughing as he ran away that he still owed the library 2 books! Glad he was OK, but it's a great story.
I found most of the sites that I chose had something that made me want to read more. It will be interesting to see if any of the information I acquire will come in handy or become just more "stuff" in my head. We do have a RSS feed on the catalog for the New York Times best sellers maybe we could add a book review site to the library home page.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Things 1 - 4
Reviewed Things 1 - 4 as requested. I'm still having diffuculty locating a "feed" link on a website that I log on to. Will try again.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Things 3 and 4
Well, after much trial and error, I've finally manged to subscribe to some Blogs. One being the Teen Reads Blog. That should be pretty interesting.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Things 3 & 4
After a few dead ends I found 2 sites to subscribe to: Yahoo News: Fashion News and Yahoo News: Movie News. Info gleaned: Katy Perry walked the runway for Victoria Secret and Dino DeLaurentis died.
Things 3&4
I got a little carried away with subscribing. I just clicked on everything that sounded good to me.
I checked out the subscriptions for sewing and they were ok. This is fun. I will keep exploring.
Happy Veterans Day.
I checked out the subscriptions for sewing and they were ok. This is fun. I will keep exploring.
Happy Veterans Day.
Things 3 and 4
Set up a couple of RSS feeds using the Google reader. For classroom learning used a Google recommendation for some group feeds. Subscribed to the group feed then deleted the ones I wasn't interest in. Should be much easier to use at home where it is quieter and I can decide on the sites I might want to follow.
I miss my dogs
I can hardly wait to see a new doggie pic each day! I have to live vicariously through other people's cute dogs until I can get one of my own again.
You probably will be hearing from me a lot. I'm sure I'll have questions and will need help.
Day 1 Of Our Bodaciousness
Team 6 is learning how to Blog. Some of us know what we are doing, and others are clueless, but all
are Bodacious!
are Bodacious!
Ist try at posting
Ok, this is my first try at posting on this page. Not bad so far. Kinda interesting so far, we will see how it goes for the rest of the day.
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