Monday, November 15, 2010

Thing 4

Using Google Reader, I subscribed to:
Yahoo news - Fashion News - Victoria Secrets 2mil bra
Yahoo news - Movie News - Harry Potter is coming!

Librarian in Black - Maybe a little too techie for me
Rotten Tomatoes - Movie reviews by the people for the people, I still might see "Morning Glory" because of Harrison Ford. word of the day - de rigueur - required by fashion or etiquette
Library Stuff -Law library site of racy photo shoot for Diesel - I read the entry "Prison - Library Confidentiality" about a man who was a prison librarian and was robbed at knife point by a former inmate who recognized him, but took his money anyway. Laughing as he ran away that he still owed the library 2 books! Glad he was OK, but it's a great story.
I found most of the sites that I chose had something that made me want to read more. It will be interesting to see if any of the information I acquire will come in handy or become just more "stuff" in my head. We do have a RSS feed on the catalog for the New York Times best sellers maybe we could add a book review site to the library home page.

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