Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thing 9

This sounds great because several people can add to a newsletter for example and edit it without having a lot of confusing copies. This is something I would actually use in my personal life and have no problem recommending it to patrons and friends. My husband and I would use it to put together our newsletters for the K of C and Ladies Aux.

Thing 8

This is fun once you get it to work, but I doubt I would ever use it. I guess the public would like it and find it very useful but I'm not that organized.

Thing 11

I added the Grandma got run over by a reindeer video. I can see maybe using this to send a xmas slide show to some family members in other states. Hey I just got an idea, my mother-in-law is now in a nursing home and I can bring my laptop over and show her a slide show of this xmas at my daughter-in-laws house. Now if I can only remember to do it! lol

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thing 11: Slide show

Added a slide to the "Happy Holidays" presentation set up by Geri. It's the slide with a xmas tree aand a message from speedy. My slide ended up as number 2. I don't know why! Actually, I imported this slide from my own slide show presentation I made, entitled "Merry Christmas". Glad this one's done.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thing 11 Happy Holidays

I added a new slide with a Christmas Kitty picture. I'm not sure why my slide which should have been #3, went to #2, moving Geri's slide down one. I don't know what I did there. I tried to add a video from the selection, but none of them would play. This would be a great site to use for kids teaming up to do slide shows for a class. AND we don't have to worry about whether or not we have it on the computers like Microsoft Works, etc....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thing 10: Google Docs

Corrected the placement of my comment for the "Updike" document. Thanks, Tammy.

Thing 10: Google Docs

I made corrections in the second last paragraph of the "Updike" document and specified those corrections in my comment following the document.

Thing 10 Updike

Okay, I uploaded the Updike document to Google Docs. It's ready for everyone to edit it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thing 9 Google Docs

Google Docs looks like it would be useful for several things. I've seen a commercial about it and wasn't really sure what they were talking about. Now I understand. I would even personally use it for updating family info for my genealogy. I have so many aunts, uncles, cousins, etc... This way I could contact someone from each part of my family and they could be in charge of updating that portion of family. Everyone involved could see it and that would end the millions of emails. I see a lot of teens in the teen room trying to get a group together to work on a school project, they always seem to have a hard time getting several kids together all at once. This would be the perfect solution.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thing 9: Google Docs

Google docs would be useful for a group of people who need to approve, review, and/or revise a document. The value is the fact that the doc is attached to the necessary email addresses of the group members; all new revisions are saved as well in one place- a real time saver.
The editing aspects seem to work the same as Microsoft Word- font, underlining, cut and paste, etc.
What's interesting is the group presentation idea. This cuts down on actual meetings. Members at their convenience can share their ideas to pull the presentation together.
Plenty of templates to help you get started.

Thing 9

I really liked Google Docs, it would have been great to use when I was at USF and we would do group projects...oh well. I looked through the templates and saw thousands of them for all types of projects. The coordinating resume/cover letter templates would be a great resource for many of our patrons. It would be so much easier for them to create it once and then modify it for various prospective employers. Sending it looks easier than an e-mail w/ attachment too.

Thing 9

Now if I only had this available when I was still at my past job! I handled the budgeting and finances for our department and spent a good deal of my time sending copies of spreadsheets to all the managers and then receiving them back to either correct or paste into the final copy. What a time saver this would have been.
The software was very easy to use and commands were about the same. Since I no longer have to share spreadsheets, I used the budget template to show me exactly how far in the hole I am every month! LOL

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thing 8

Okay, to start with I was unable to get a confirmation email for the Diigo at my work address! So gave up and using my chrome account! I bookmarked a couple of web sites, but not sure if I will use this app or not. I will try it from work tomorrow (opps it is already tomorrow! lol) to see if I can access the sites I bookmarked.

Friday, December 10, 2010


This was frustrating but also fun once I finished it. I liked using Wordle, and Elfing and playing with the photos. I finally learned how to post my pictures I think, so I don't have to wait for my kids to help me which is great.


Wordle: christmas - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Here is the html of these images for use on other sites (you may need to to [img]):
letter M EAST Caslon metal type letter L letter E letter K Again l letter I letter L counterfeit Lego letter I m letter A KMcElman_100416_0106 Boggle black letter A

Thing 6

I have tried Bubbir, Card Karma and Screen saver all three were frustrating!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thing 8

Now Thing 8 is something that I can really use. Both at work and at home. I can't tell you how many times I've been one place or the other wishing that I had written down a website that I came across by accident. Now I don't have to worry.Two of the sites that I saved and shared with the library are and I really like the Family Fun site. I go there a lot when I'm trying to come up with craft ideas for a program. Sometimes I don't even use their crafts, I just get an idea for one and design "my way". The Teen Reads I came across when I was trying to come up with interesting books for the teens. It also has a blog on it written by teens.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thing 8

So far this was the easiest task to do. The hardest part for me was to think of 2 web sites I might like to look up. When I am home I am on the computer for only 15-20 minutes (not even every day) to check my e-mail, fb and bank account. I would rather read or watch a classic movie on TV. Which brings me to one of the sites I bookmarked with Diigo, Turner Classic Movies, I can now look up the schedule and see ahead of time what is playing for that week or month. Too bad many of my favorites are on in the middle of the night (oh how I miss TiVo!). The other site was just for wishful thinking, Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida (GRRMF). I already get the e-newsletter and other updates from them, but sometimes I like to go on and see who is up for adoption. I won't qualify to adopt until I have a yard with a fence, but someday soon!
I can see the advantage of having your bookmarks saved this way, should you log onto another computer etc. Not sure how useful it will be for me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I would rather see Mele than me.

Food for thought

Below you will find part of an email I received from a friend. It was titled "Changes Are Coming". One of the changes identified was the "Things That You Own". I believe that this applies to some of what we are learning in 23 Things. Specifically, opening accounts on line to save things or share things. My opinion? Very scary! No privacy anymore??? Do we lose control???

The Things That You Own

Many of the very possessions that we used to own are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in "the cloud." Today your computer has a hard drive and you store your pictures, music, movies, and documents. Your software is on a CD or DVD, and you can always re-install it if need be. But all of that is changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are all finishing up their latest "cloud services." That means that when you turn on a computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So, Windows, Google, and the Mac OS will be tied straight into the Internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud. And you may pay a monthly subscription fee to the cloud provider. In this virtual world, you can access your music or your books, or your whatever from any laptop or handheld device. That's the good news. But, will you actually own any of this "stuff" or will it all be able to disappear at any moment in a big "Poof?" Will most of the things in our lives be disposable and whimsical? It makes you want to run to the closet and pull out that photo album, grab a book from the shelf, or open up a CD case and pull out the insert.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thing 8-Social Bookmarking and Tagging

I created a Diigo account. In exploring what it has to offer, I found a wide variety of topics shared: science, sports, math, teaching aids, hobbies, etc. I joined the Largo Library Group and shared two URL's: The Breast Cancer Site and The Green Bay Packers. This was not difficult to do. An easy assignment.

I would not use diigo personally because I use Favorites to save my frequently used websites. If I want to share with a few others, I simply cut and paste the information in an email. However, if my computer crashes, I've lost my favorites. So I can see the value of saving these in a diigo account. The favorites would not be lost. I still back up my files on a CD.

I see the value of diigo in the business world in which very frequent sharing of information with a large number of people is necessary. The annotation feature and highlighting would be very helpful. Organizing by tagging allows one to find the information faster. Given a large group with much info and frequent sharing, Diigo would be a time saver.

Friday, December 3, 2010

thing 5 Suwannee River

This is the link to my album on photobucke

Diane had to help me with this, but I was finally able to post from the Comic Strip Creator. I was not able to copy and paste the HTML code, but I did save to my desktop and then post it.


Ok, now that computer time is done, off to make cookies for cookie exchange at Linda's tonight. Hope to see you all there! (Oh, also gonna get rid of the rest of the thanksgiving turkey today by making homemade turkey soup. YUM!)


For anyone with young kids or grandkids, this site sends out really nice Christmas videos from Santa. David was awe struck with his message! He couldn't figure out how Santa knew so much about him. He kept looking around behind him to see where Santa was to be able to see if he was being good or not.

Thing 7

Played around a little with wordle and image chef. Was unable to generate the comic I created though. Again, I don't think I will use any of these in the future.

Thing 7 I Am Awesome

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thing 7

I was able to make a comic strip (a 1920's flapper that said "Blogging is the bees knees!") but even with Patty A's help I could not get it to post! I was able to post from the Image Chef and create and post a Wordle. I also elfed myself, but that is not working now... it just says error. It is hard to figure out if I am not doing things right or if they are just not working right. Hope my elf comes back, it is hysterical.

My favorite authors

Wordle: Favourite Authors - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

My elf

Thing 7

I tried Comic Strip Generator, Image Chef and Wordle. The only one that worked for me was Image Chef. I think I could use that at work, especially when working on a new program. There are several picture templates that would be fun to use. As far as the Comic Strip one, I did get into designing a comic strip (meaning one picture) but it wouldn't let me download it. And Wordle wouldn't even open. It timed out. Even trying to view one of Tammy's. The whole idea of these sites sound pretty interesting if you have the time to explore them properly.

Thing 7 I Am Awesome

Elf Dance

Thing 6

The App Garden was ok, but not really sure how much I would use it. For me it took too long to go through things. But I looked at MyPicsMap, Jigsawed and
On Big Huge Labs I made a jigsaw picture, looked at make your own calendar (that might be fun, but I normally scrapbook without use of the computer) and I tried to look at Vintage Photo Booth, but the computer kept timing out.
On Spell with Flickr, I spelled Christmas. I had fun changing the design of the letters.
Most of this stuff is not something I would use at work. Maybe at home if I had the time. Unfortunately at work, these computers are so slow that it's frustrating trying to learn new applications.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing 6

I kinda went out of order (I went to Big Huge Labs before App Garden), but I think all tasks are done.
In App Garden I explored; HTML 5 canvas photo kaleidscope (cool), Photo Shaker (for an iphone - don't have one) and Photo Mule (for an Android phone - don't have one). I loved doing the Pop Art photo in Flickr toys. I don't have too many pictures on FB (just what my daughter has posted for me and my privacy settings are for Friends only)so not sure I will use that again. I will show Flickr apps to her though. I think it can get a little weird to share photos online...a sales clerk in JC Penney's recognized me from all the pictures a former family member posted of me on their FB page. It felt really odd to have a stranger know me by name/face... Did have fun spelling with Flickr, but again not sure what I would do with that in the future.

Elf'd my dog


Originally uploaded by Ingrid0804

Sweet Golden!

Block Letter H letter A letter P letter P letter Y IMG_7055 o pink tag letter L Block Letter I hangman tile red letter D letter A letter Y Block Letter S

Thing 6

My creation
Originally uploaded by gmalham

I "Andy Warholed" my picture from Facebook!