Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing 6

I kinda went out of order (I went to Big Huge Labs before App Garden), but I think all tasks are done.
In App Garden I explored; HTML 5 canvas photo kaleidscope (cool), Photo Shaker (for an iphone - don't have one) and Photo Mule (for an Android phone - don't have one). I loved doing the Pop Art photo in Flickr toys. I don't have too many pictures on FB (just what my daughter has posted for me and my privacy settings are for Friends only)so not sure I will use that again. I will show Flickr apps to her though. I think it can get a little weird to share photos online...a sales clerk in JC Penney's recognized me from all the pictures a former family member posted of me on their FB page. It felt really odd to have a stranger know me by name/face... Did have fun spelling with Flickr, but again not sure what I would do with that in the future.

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