Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thing 8-Social Bookmarking and Tagging

I created a Diigo account. In exploring what it has to offer, I found a wide variety of topics shared: science, sports, math, teaching aids, hobbies, etc. I joined the Largo Library Group and shared two URL's: The Breast Cancer Site and The Green Bay Packers. This was not difficult to do. An easy assignment.

I would not use diigo personally because I use Favorites to save my frequently used websites. If I want to share with a few others, I simply cut and paste the information in an email. However, if my computer crashes, I've lost my favorites. So I can see the value of saving these in a diigo account. The favorites would not be lost. I still back up my files on a CD.

I see the value of diigo in the business world in which very frequent sharing of information with a large number of people is necessary. The annotation feature and highlighting would be very helpful. Organizing by tagging allows one to find the information faster. Given a large group with much info and frequent sharing, Diigo would be a time saver.

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