Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thing 21

I would start by showing them something that is easy and addictive. I loved looking at and sharing pictures in It would be very easy to scroll through all of those beautiful pictures for hours! Then I might do something fun, like I think the staff here had the most fun with that assignment and even if it is not the Holiday season it people will get a kick out of it and see something concrete that they "created". For a new person in town (this is a very transient area) I would show them, where they can see local people with similar interests and meet up with them in real life (not just online). is a staple for me because I love words and word origins, but I can't spell! To me it is easier to see the definition and know I have the right word than to use spell check. I think is a great resource for first time (or anytime) parents. I would have loved this source when I was raising my children. I will encourage them to use it as they start their own families. For another fun site I would choose to see pictures of everyday people (in Paris, Milan, NYC etc) looking fab. Much more interesting than fashion magazines because it shows how clothes are put together in the "real" world.

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