Monday, January 10, 2011

Thing 13

I didn't find much info. about our library on Addict-o-matic, it didn't matter how specific I got. Maybe I didn't search far enough into it. As far as Socialmention, I found that it worked better if you searched certain areas (like blogs, etc...) instead of a broad search. Google Alerts gave me mostly news related items for the library. I did find something about the teen room or teen programs on all of the sites though. Pretty much because the teens are the ones putting the info. out there. I think we are going in the right direction as far as Blogs, Facebook and things like that. We just need to make our patrons aware of the fact that we are using these sites. Not all of our patrons would think to look for us there. So maybe if we more hard copy advertising inside the library that would help.

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