Monday, January 31, 2011

Thing 16

Ok, now I am excited! I love Pandora because I cannot afford satellite radio anymore, so I am stuck listening to regular radio stations (and Music TV) that not only play the same stuff all the time, but they censor it too! I just cannot stand the fact that songs I have been listening to for 30+ years now (on a regular radio station, back in the day) have some words changed or bleeped out! In fact I just posted this on my FB page a week ago! I mean really, does listening to "...funky s**t going down in the city" really pose a problem? (I only censored myself bc this is a work related blog). Now I have a Pandora account that is set to allow "explicit" content, so I can clean my house and enjoy the music I want to hear, played the way it is supposed to be played! Now about the car...BTW my station is called "The Led Zepplin station"

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