Monday, January 31, 2011

Thing 15

I did not know where the term Podcast came from until, the video explained it as Personal On Demand. I do not have an iTunes account so I listened to a Podcast from, New York Times Book Review from 12/31/10. It was a panel of book critics/authors discussing why critics are essential to and a part of literature. That in this day an age, a lot of "noise" is often generated about a book (people blogging, Amazon reviews, etc), but that a high standard of literary criticism is really needed to sort of weed through what other sources are saying about a particular title. One person even mentioned that he likes to read another critics' take on a book, even if he does not agree with them. Not sure if this particular Podcast would interest many of our patrons, but if we provide a link to something like this it may interest some of our more literary minded patrons.

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