Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thing 17 Social Networking

I have a Facebook account,but sometimes I feel I have to watch what I post on it. I don't feel safe,I never know who all will see what I post, meaning friends of friends.
I checked out the other sites Gather and Ning. I like to quilt so that was what I searched, I found at group that paints quilt blocks on their barns. Apparently you have to join this group and be approved of before you can paint the pattern on your barn. This is in North Carolina.
I'm a little hesitant to join groups, I'm afraid of being a silver alert on US19, and having Nancy Grace showing my picture and screaming at my relatives. What I'm trying to say is it's probably good for someone who has a hobby, but not for me I don't like to jump in on discussions.
I just gave 2.0 a third chance. I finally found something usefull. I wasn't all that impressed. I would never use it as a source for anything!

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