Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thing 20: More fun with Google

The first tool I investigated was "Translate" which will translate a foreign document into English. Certainly useful for those who have that need. "Picnik" was just another photo editing site. The "Knol" site allows you to write an article and share your knowledge. There were a lot of different categories. I logged into the science site and found an article on prime numbers, how dogs smell and a "Photographers' Guide to the Geology of Northumberland".

Setting up the igoogle page was easy- polka dots for the theme; Knol, dictionary, song lyrics for the gadgets. I did not save it. I do google for maps, song lyrics, humorous stories or poems for a newsletter I put out. Don't need a custom igoogle page for that.

Practical applications for the public? Sure! Maps, dictionary and any information they want to search for.

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