Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thing 17

I looked at Gather, under the Life & Style section and found a post about making a Happy List. I love lists and I think this is a good one to create. List people/things/experiences that make you happy and see how it will brighten your day. It was posted by someone enduring a horrible winter up north, but even here in the Sunshine State we have dreary days that can be lightened by this little exercise. I also looked at Ning, where you create your own social network, since there is a cost associated with this ($2.95 - $49.95 per month) I think it is best for businesses large and small. I also thought that the author pages would be a unique way for authors and fans to connect. That being said, I probably would not join any other social networking sites at this time. I barley have time to read and sometimes post to FB.

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